Current Exhibition

Choses vues / Things Seen

June 20 – August 10, 2024

Cyril Chartier-Poyet

Like a family resemblance: long, slender forms, matt, even slightly rough surfaces, contrasting covers, recurring motifs and occasional striations.

The present exhibition by Cyril Chartier-Poyet is based on a series created especially for the occasion, to which a substantial number of earlier works have been added.

There is no retrospective ambition here, but rather the desire to show the continuity of a process that, while denying any idea of style, is based on a working process in which the visual imprint is central and decisive. […]

Upcoming Exhibition

Combinaisons / Combinations

August 31 – October 25, 2024

Agathe Rottier

“By wandering around the composition, you can access new points of view.
Opening and closing the sculptures allows me to set them in motion, to give them life.”

Agathe Rottier