Art-o-rama, Marseille

August 31 – September 3, 2023

Hugo Saby, Laurin Schaub

Photo Margot Montigny

Nendo Galerie is delighted to be taking part in Art-o-rama, in the Edition & Design section, with a proposal combining sculpture and objects by Hugo Saby and Laurin Schaub. 

Hugo Saby qualifies his sculptural practice as “documentary ceramics”, in that he strives to make imprints of fragments of real places in the form of volumes or bas-relief plates hung on the wall. His reflection on the taking of imprints is coupled with a reflection on the notion of borrowing, insofar as the reproduction of pieces of building facades, fragments of interiors or bits of sidewalks… is not made through direct casting but from drawings made on the spot, involving some adjustments of the eye and the hand with the real.

With his series A. Part, Laurin Schaub elaborates, with the help of digital tools and simple shaping processes, functional porcelain objects with a deconstructive perspective, since the different parts are always visibly separated from each other and reveal the way they are constructed, while being part of a larger whole. His poetic play with shapes, structures and colors opens an abstract perspective on the simultaneity of connection and separation.

Both practices thus share considerations related to architecture, construction, process and what is made visible.

Laurin Schaub, A. Part, 2022. Photo Fabian Häfeli

Hugo Saby